Review: Switch on to Swindon Event

I attended the ‘Switch on to Swindon’ event as a representative of ContactCORP, the invitation to the event was very vague in regards to what the events purpose was and with no website to have a cheeky look at before I attended, I assumed it would be a form of networking event with local companies, but other than that assumption, I went in blind.
The event was in the Swindon Audi building and although guests had to park 5 minutes down the road, the chauffeured ride to the front doors in one of the latest Audi models certainly made up for it.
More than 400 people attended and we were all treated to complimentary drinks, canapés and cookies. Walking around the venue there were different stands with information about some local businesses that helped with the event, and there was a stage and screen indicating that there would be a speech or presentation at some point during the evening. There was live music playing in one corner of the showroom which helped to create a relaxing, laidback atmosphere and of course there were a few cars to gawk at.
I spent the beginning of the evening interacting with different people from different businesses and industries and the event was a great way to share with them who ContactCORP was to gain some brand exposure for the recruitment agency.
Gavin Calthrop, Director of Place Marketing at Swindon Borough Council, hosted the event and all three speakers delivered the message that “it is our responsibility to shout about how great Swindon is and that we need to positively and persistently enhance Swindon’s reputation to encourage people to invest in and visit Swindon.” Guests were encouraged to join the ‘Switch on to Swindon’ Ambassador scheme, although I am slightly confused as to what being an ambassador would entail as there was no specific information revealed.
My highlight of the evening was a short film made by Create Studios to showcase the very best of Swindon, included in the film were spectacular views of Coate water, Lydiard Park, Wyvern Theatre, Brunel Shopping centre, Outlet shopping centre, The Link Centre, Regent circus, the Swindon Wildcats and Swindon Town Football ground, just to name a few. The film received a tremendous round of applause from the crowd.
I found the combination of the speeches and short film incredibly inspiring, I may be biased as a born and raised Swindonian, but it did make me feel incredibly proud of Swindon and reminded me of how great our town is and the potential we have to grow.
Overall I thought the event was very well organised, a great way to connect with local businesses and provide people with the opportunity to support the campaign. Although I am still confused about the ambassador scheme I’m sure there will be a long line of businesses and people ready to lend their support. As a recruitment consultant I am keen to continue contributing to Swindon in helping to provide people with jobs and to help companies grow their businesses. I know that I will be keeping up to date with the ‘Switch on to Swindon’ Campaign.
We are holding our own Recruitment event on Wednesday 1st February 2017!
Update: Since Tuesday evening when the ‘Switch on to Swindon’ event took place, their official Facebook page now has near to 1500 likes with the short film receiving 80K views, 1K likes and 1,500 shares. This demonstrates how quickly they have been able to build up campaign exposure and have effectively been able to get the word out there with the power of social media.
IMAGE CREDIT - Charlie Clements